Welcome to KPN Accountants & Business Advisors

Fixed Accounting
Fee Packages

Professional Accountants, Business Advisers & Tax Consultants

We are here to partner with you in achieving all your financial objectives. No matter how small your business is we are here to support and guide you through from A to Z, in Accounting, Taxation, Business Services and other financial related services.


We are committed to build long term relationship with you enabling us to understand your business requirements and to provide assistance that is suitable to your business areas.


We are a dedicated and hardworking team. We will work around the clock to meet your financial needs. We provide friendly, professional, reliable and cost-effective services and always happy to answer all your queries and we NEVER charge for unnecessary work.


KPN Accounting & Tax Pty Ltd

is a CPA Practice

 Liability limited by a scheme approved

under Professional Standards Legislation